Anti-Slavery Day 2024

Anti-slavery day takes places every year on 18th October and is a time to encourage governments, businesses, colleagues, family and friends to do what they can to prevent human trafficking and protect victims of modern slavery.  An estimated 40 million people are in modern slavery throughout the world and an estimated 122,000 people in the UK.

What is Human Trafficking?
The UN defined human trafficking in the Palermo Protocol as the ‘recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons by means of threat, or use of force, coercion or deception…to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation’ . According to this definition, trafficking includes sexual exploitation, forced and bonded labour, domestic servitude, any form of slavery and removal of organs.

What are we doing at SJOG?
At SJOG we talk a lot about modern day slavery and human trafficking. We are the largest provider in the UK of safe houses that support people who have been subject to modern day slavery and human trafficking, as well as supporting many people through our outreach services in both London and the North-West. 

We invest in educating our colleagues, and all the people we come into contact with about slavery at human trafficking.  This included a session at our annual conference held on 16 October in the presence of over 100 colleagues, highlighting how we might spot the signs of modern slavery in terms of a person’s appearance, their behaviour and restricted movement.

We are also working with other organisations working in this area to lobby the UK government on the changes we would like to see in the way people have been subject to modern slavery or trafficking are supported.

“Together, we can break the chains of human trafficking and build a more just and equitable future for all.”



October 2024

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World Mental Health Day - 10 October 2024

Workplace Mental Health

World Mental Health Day is celebrated every year on 10 October. This year’s theme, which is set by the World Federation of Mental Health, is workplace mental health. The theme highlights the importance of addressing mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, for the benefit of people, organisations, and communities. 

People are encouraged to use this day to come together to talk about mental health and show how much mental health matters.

It matters at SJOG, and there are a number of initiatives we do already, but there is always more, and encouraging people to talk about their mental health will continue to be a priority.

Current initiatives:

  • Bright Line - Bright Line is a dedicated confidential line run by SJOG Mental Health First Aiders to offer signposting and a friendly ear to colleagues who are struggling with their mental health.
  • Wellbeing breaks - We prioritise the wellbeing of our colleagues and encourage dedicated 20-minute breaks, on top of regular ones, if needed.  When feeling overwhelmed, these breaks offer crucial moments to reset and recharge.
  • Mental health first aiders - We recognise the importance of good mental health and are training colleagues to be first aiders in mental health in the same way we have physical first aiders.
  • Self-care sessions - We host interactive sessions focusing on self-care, wellbeing, and stress management. Teaching effective strategies and tools for nurturing mental and physical health.
  • Flexibility of work patterns - A good work and home life balance is very important and to support this we offer flexibility of work patterns wherever possible.
  • 24/7 Access to a GP - Our health benefits package offers reimbursements on healthcare costs, and there is access to a GP helpline 24/7.
  • Employee Assistance Programme - This counselling and advice portal offers a wealth of advice and support on: legal, family, relationships, money and health. Totally confidential and available 24/7.
  • Meal a Day - SJOG are supporting colleagues by providing them with a ‘meal a day’ while they are at work.
  • SJOG Step Club - The SJOG Step Club encourages colleagues to get moving and prioritise physical and mental health by tracking their steps and engaging in friendly competition with co-workers.

Follow us this week on social media to learn more: 


October 2024

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World Suicide Prevention Day – 10th September

Changing the narrative on suicide

Changing the narrative on suicide aims to inspire individuals, communities, organisations, and governments to engage in open and honest discussions about suicide and suicidal behaviour. By initiating these vital conversations, we can break down barriers, raise awareness, and create better cultures of understanding and support. 

It is estimated that there are currently more than 700,000 suicides per year worldwide, and we know that each suicide profoundly affects many more people. Suicide remains a critical global issue, affecting individuals and communities worldwide.

In July 2024, SJOG ’s Here to Help project was officially launched and focuses on suicide prevention among autistic people in the Teesside area. Autistic people are 9 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population, and autistic young people are 28 times more likely to think about or attempt suicide than their non-autistic peers.

Since its launch the project has supported over 200 autistic people and 90 family members.  The number of professionals who have engaged with the project exceeds 220, and we have supported over 350 professionals with autism-specific training.

For more information about Here to Help go to:

Follow us on our social media for more information and conversation: 

#WorldSuicidePreventionDay. #StartTheConversation

September 2024

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SJOG Homes for Ukraine Team celebrate project

SJOG's Homes for Ukraine project has successfully reached its conclusion.  Since its inception in September 2022, SJOG Homes for Ukraine has proudly supported 300 people displaced by the war in Ukraine both directly through connecting them with sponsors across the UK, and indirectly through information sessions and signposting.

Key achievements of the project include:

  •  140 guests placed with sponsors in the UK. This included 44 children.
  •  96 guests have completed their 6-month placements.
  •  50 guests have transitioned to private rented accommodation.
  •  The HFU team conducted 35 information sessions for both sponsors and guests, reaching over 200 people.
  •  94% of guests and 90% of sponsors said that the team made the right match.
  •  90.3% of guests said the accommodation and location met expectations. 
  •  96.8% of our guests and 93.2% our sponsors said that their relationships with each other were excellent.

At an event on 19 June held in London, people came together to celebrate the achievements of the project.  Thanks were extended to funders of the project: the Albert Gubay Charitable Foundation, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and the Church Urban Fund, and acknowledgement was made to the project delivery team at SJOG and SCAN for their tireless work and dedication.  Not least, huge thanks were given to the sponsors who generously opened their homes and hearts to those displaced by the war.

To read the project's evaluation report, click here:

We still have resources available and information where people can find support, click here to find out more:

August  2024

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New web platform provides online resources

Here to Help – suicide prevention

Here to Help, SJOG’s new initiative focused on suicide prevention among autistic people in Teesside has officially been launched with an event at Stockton Football Club on Monday 1st July and welcomed autistic people, their family and friends to come and learn more about the project.

At the event, which hosted a number of activities, attendees were also able to see the newly-launched web platform which provides accessible information about suicide and autism.

Here to Help which is funded by the Department of Health and Social Care, aims to reduce the stigma around suicide and empower people to feel able to support individuals experiencing suicidality.

Autistic people are 9 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population, and autistic young people are 28 times more likely to think about or attempt suicide than their non-autistic peers.

Access the web platform here:

July 2024

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Pushing for hardship to a top priority..

From day one

SJOG stands with the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) along with over 200 organisations who are committed to ending poverty, and have called on the people most likely to be the next prime minister to put tackling hardship at the top of their agenda from day one.

Frustrated by the ‘stark lack of focus’ from Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer during the campaign, the diverse network of organisations have placed their message that hardship must be at the top of the prime minister's to-do list in national newspapers with one week to go until the election result.

The leaders of UK's political parties have faced questions from the public on the campaign trail about levels of hardship in the UK, as JRF reveals the relentless reality of years-long hardship.  Their latest research finds:

7 million low-income families have gone without essentials like food, heating and adequate clothing in the last six months.

7 in 10 (71%) low-income households in the bottom 20% of incomes were going without essentials in May this year, the same as May last year.

Over the past five years, the number of people experiencing destitution more than doubled. Four million experienced destitution in 2022 including one million children and 2.4 million are people with a disability or limiting health condition. (Source: JRF Destitution in the UK 2023).

The letter signed by organisations including the Trussell Trust, Citizens Advice, Crisis, Age UK, Barnardo's, Mencap, Scope, Mental Health Foundation and many more, says, "It is clear [the public] want to see action and commitments to turn this situation around so that no one is forced to go without the essentials or need a food bank to survive.”

To read the full press release from JRF click here:


27 June 2024

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