We believe that with the right support every person can achieve their potential

Meeting the needs of people with learning and physical disabilities, older religious communities, people who are homeless and people who have been subject to modern day slavery.

SJOG is ambitious to be of more help to more people so we are always looking for great people to join our teams around the country.

The best people to tell you about Hospitaller Services are the people who use them. We are very grateful to those people who have told us their story and let us share it.

Hospitaller Services is a foundation of the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God, an international order of religious brothers which provides health services in over 50 countries.

This project has now successfully reached its conclusion. Since it’s inception in September 2022, SJOG Homes for Ukraine has proudly supported 300 people displaced by the war in Ukraine. We still have resources available and information where people can find support.
Click here to find out more

We believe in the potential of people
SJOG believes that every person has intrinsic worth and inherent dignity, and that with the right support each and every person can achieve their potential.
We don’t have one standard approach but creatively provide help and support to people in the way they want.
We continue to be inspired by the story of our founder, Saint John of God, who left us a legacy of providing value-based service to those most in need.