Our purpose is to provide people with the skills and the support to gain control of their own lives.
We believe that every person has the right to be supported in a way that does not degrade their dignity.
We are part of an international family of 500,000 coworkers, working in 500 centres of care in 50 countries, and impacting on over 7 million lives every year.
We don’t have one standard approach but creatively provide help and support to people in the way they want and to meet people’s needs, wishes and aspirations.
Every day we say ‘come in, you are very welcome’ and every day we are inspired by the strength, humanity and hospitality of the people that we work alongside.

We have a 140-year history in supporting disabled people to live how and where they choose.
We provide expert care and support to meet the needs, and support the aspirations, of people with learning disabilities, physical impairments, autism and complex needs.

SJOG has a long history of providing specialist dementia care and nursing care for older people.
We currently work in partnership with a number of religious orders and congregations to support them in the care of their elderly members and the management of their care homes.

In times of crisis, we provide a place of safety and specialist support. People are helped to rebuild their lives, learn new skills and move on to lead fulfilling lives.
We provide housing, and whilst important, we do so much more than this. Working with health colleagues, our service in central London tackles drug resistant tuberculosis and offers a hospital at home to those without one.