Anti-Slavery Day - 18 October 2023

Dedicated to raising awareness about modern slavery, human trafficking, and forced labour

Anti-Slavery Day takes place every year on 18 October. Anti-Slavery Day is part of Anti-Slavery week, a UK and European awareness week, which this year runs from 16 – 22 October 2023.

An Act of Parliament of the UK made in 2010 introduced a national day to raise awareness of the need to eradicate all forms of slavery, human trafficking and exploitation.

Anti-Slavery Day provides an opportunity for individuals, charities, churches, schools, communities and businesses to raise awareness of the dangers and consequences of modern slavery, human trafficking and exploitation.   

 What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is the unlawful act of transporting or coercing people through the use of violence or deception in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labour or sexual exploitation for financial or personal gain.

People can be trafficked and exploited in many forms, including being forced into sexual exploitation, labour, begging, crime (such as growing cannabis or dealing drugs), domestic servitude, marriage or organ removal.

It is estimated that there are now 50 million people living in conditions of modern slavery, an increase on 10 million since the Global Slavery Index was published in 2018. 

What are we doing at SJOG?

SJOG is currently the UK’s largest provider of safe houses for people subject to modern day slavery and trafficking, and provides a voice for this marginalised and vulnerable group, and specialist support to help people recover from their experiences, to rehabilitate and rebuild their lives.

Raising awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking and supporting survivors of this abhorrent crime is a priority for SJOG.

Marking the week in collaboration with The Salvation Army

A football tournament is taking place to commemorate the week by celebrating and showcasing the skills of survivors through sports and further creating awareness of trafficking and modern slavery.  It’s an opportunity for survivors to engage and participate in activities outside of their services and which help to build confidence and key skills necessary for recovery.

Good luck to the SJOG team - a lot of training has been put in and kits are ready for the occasion!

To watch a film commissioned by SJOG that tells the story of people who have been subjected to this crime, and for further information visit:


18 October 2023