Gender Pay Gap and Ethnicity Pay Gap Report 2024
(Snapshot Data from 5 April 2023)
Context and Background
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average (mean and/or median) pay of all male and female colleagues across all jobs at SJOG.
The ethnicity pay gap is the difference between the average (mean and/or median) pay of all white and black and minority ethnic (BAME) colleagues across all jobs at SJOG. SJOG is not required to report on the ethnicity pay gap but has chosen to do so as a good employer and to ensure that there are no causes for concern.
A gender pay gap or ethnicity pay gap does not mean that men and women/white and BAME colleagues are paid at different rates for the same work. We work on the principals of equal pay for work of equal value at SJOG. Not to do so would be against our values of Hospitality, Compassion and Respect. It would also be illegal.
In November 2021, the SJOG executives and trustees made the decision to become a real living wage employer. In 2023 the trustees agreed to increase the wages across the whole organisation by 10.1% in line with the real living wage increase.
Gender Pay Gap
The Government requires that organisations rank all staff according to pay and split them into four equal parts (quartiles) then publish what proportion of each quartile is male or female. The tables below show our proportions in each quartile in both 2023 and 2022 as at the snapshot date of 5th April in each year.
Table 1: Proportions of Male/Female colleagues in each quartile as at 5th April 2022

Table 2: Proportions of Male/Female colleagues in each quartile as at 5th April 2023

Mean Gender Pay Gap
The mean pay gap is the difference between the average pay of all men, and the average pay of all women in the organisation.
The data within our gender pay gap report relates to a snapshot of our data from 5th April 2023, which is required to be published by 4th April 2024.
Women are well represented at all levels of the SJOG pay and grading structure, which is reflected in our Mean Gender Pay Gap of 6, the same as it was in 2022, which is much better than the SJOG mean gender pay gap from 2021 which was 11.4%. It is also favourable to the predicted UK gender pay gap percentage of 7.7%.
Gender Pay Gap – Median
The median pay gap works by standing all men and all women in two imaginary lines in order of pay and then comparing the rate of pay for the middle man and woman in each line. The SJOG Median Gender Pay Gap is 9%. This compares favourably to the SJOG median pay gap in 2021 which was 17.1%
The median hourly rate for all colleagues is £11.77, for males it is £12.86 and females it is £11.64. The median gender pay gap for the UK in 2023 is 14.3%.
SJOG does not pay bonuses and therefore is not required to report on this area.
Ethnicity Pay Gap
At 5th April 2023 126 out of 554 colleagues declared whether they were of a black and minority ethnic background (BAME) or not.
The table below shows our proportions in each quartile for 5th April 2022 and 5th April 2023 (the same as the snap shot date for the gender pay gap).
Table 3: Proportions of white/BAME colleagues in each quartile at 5th April 2022

Table 4: Proportions of white/BAME colleagues in each quartile at 5th April 2023

Mean Ethnicity Pay Gap
The mean hourly rate for those colleagues declaring their ethnicity at 5th April 2022 was £13.53, £13.71 for those with a Black and Minority Ethnic Background and £12.95 for those with a white ethnic background. This results in the mean ethnicity pay gap being 5.54% which is an improvement on our 2022 report which was 7%. The UK does not calculate the mean ethnicity pay gap.
Median Ethnicity Pay Gap
The median hourly rate for colleagues declaring their ethnicity at 5th April 2022 was £12.86, £11.77 for those with a black and minority ethnic background and £11.77 for those with a white ethnic background. SJOGs Median Ethnicity Pay Gap at April 2023 was 0%, in 2022 it was - 5%.
The median ethnicity pay gap for the UK in 2019 (the last detailed percentage) was 2.3%.
Michelle Dalby
Head of People and Organisation Development