Found a pebble?
We would love to hear where you found your pebble! Please send us a photo or comment to https://www.facebook.com/groups/sjogautismsupport
We want your help to keep #Goingalloutforautism going, so why not use your pebble and hide it again in somewhere of your choice.
Let’s see how far your pebble can go! Good luck!

Help us fundraise for our Magic Pod
We’re currently fundraising for a Magic Pod – a bespoke sensory space for the people we support with autism
Please help us to raise money for our Magic Pod which will provide innovative sensory experiences for the people we support with autism. We will be expanding our ambitious use of technology alongside traditional sensory equipment within a tailored ‘pod’ that will be located in the grounds of our autism service in North East.
The pod will help us to support people who experience sensory processing difficulties by helping them to understand sensory feedback effectively and in safe environments. It allows the person to safely explore their senses and develop coping and tolerance skills or desensitise themselves to certain situations that are crucial to their well-being.
Over 100 individuals in our surrounding services and the wider community will potentially benefit and allow us to widen our best practice approaches and enhance the quality of life of more people with sensory processing difficulties.
Did you know that 1 in 100 people in the UK have a diagnosis of Autism? This means that in the UK there are around 700,000 children, young people and adults with autism.
What is Autistic Spectrum Condition?
Autism is a lifelong development disability which affects how people communicate and interact
with the world around them. It’s called a ‘spectrum’ because it can affect people in many
different ways. For some, they may have quite subtle differences in their thinking and
processing, for others it can be more complex and requires more specialised and complex support.
Here at SJOG we are striving to increase not only awareness of autism, but more importantly
acceptance of autism.
Watch the link below which gives you more information about autism: https://youtu.be/Lk4qs8jGN4U

Commitment and Consultation
SJOG is committed to ensuring all autism practice is in line with the 15 Priority Challenges for Actions identified in the update: Think Autism, Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives: the strategy for adult with Autism in England 2014.
SJOG ensures that the views, preferences, interests and feedback from autistic people and their families/advocates are considered in the development of our practice.
Understanding the Autistic Person
SJOG’s Autism Practice Model enables a robust person-centred approach to supporting the autistic person across the 7 key areas identified within an autism diagnosis. The SJOG learning and development pathway then endorses the development of knowledge and understanding within the teams in our services.
All support planning is developed to promote quality of life outcomes and tailored support to the autistic person. We ensure that we adapt and align our practice with the changing needs of the people we support through effective and regularly review of quality outcomes and autism profiles.
Enabling the Autistic Person
SJOG ensures that tailored support is relevant to the needs of the individual with a focus on positive outcomes and continuous learning.
Understanding a person’s autism profile is a key part of how we develop our support planning to ensure enablement in all areas of their lives. The delivery of focused support is reflective of assessed need and the aspirations of the people we support.
Positive Outcomes for the Autistic Person
At SJOG we ensure that all people we support have the same opportunities in life as anyone else. We utilise proactive and personalised risk management to reduce restriction and promote inclusion.
We promote a ‘can do’ approach with all we do and celebrate positive outcomes and achievements for the people we support. Our teams understand that positive wellbeing and active support are key to good quality of life.
SJOG’s Autism Practice Model has been developed in line with the National Autistic Society’s self-assessment tool, NAS, (2021) and with the knowledge and skills of current autism practitioners within the charity.
The autism practice model highlights specific areas of assessment that will inform a clinically relevant support plan in line with the diagnosis and presentation of the person, and provides a rating scale for each autism domain that provides a measurable baseline for on-going assessment and analysis.

Case Study
My son Jamie.
Jamie was born healthy in 1993; a much-loved son and big brother to Daniel.
Jamie was diagnosed with severe autism when he was 2 ½. Shock and disbelief set in.
Research is something I am very passionate about, however the future looked bleak. Jamie was assessed many times and the words, ‘non-verbal’ and ‘no hope were received from many health professionals.
Jamie attended many autism specialist schools. The outcome was always the same – “we can’t provide for Jamie’s complex needs.” Jamie also attended a residential school/college with the same scenario – “he’s too complex for us.”
Many placements followed and eventually SJOG’s Sandown Road was put forward by Health & Social Care. On the first visit to Sandown I met the team; they were friendly and very knowledgeable, and I felt a glimmer of hope.
Many visits later Jamie started living in this warm, welcoming home in Billingham.
There has been many challenges along the way but the staff have gone above and beyond my expectations to care and nurture my beloved son.
Jamie’s personal care, medical needs and leisure needs continue to be addressed with enthusiasm, even at times when it must have been very challenging. Jamie still has his challenges, however his laugh and his sense of humour is second to none. Jamie trusts the staff and from a mum’s perspective this is the best outcome I could have wished for.
Jamie is now 27 years old and we visit him regularly. To see him thrive is the best outcome for an amazing young man. My Jamie moving forward in a safe, caring homely environment is the best outcome for Jamie and our family.
Thanks to Carly and all her team, and special thanks to Stuart, Kevin and Donna.

Resources for further information
Podcast 1 - SJOG's Autism Practice Model
Click on the graphic to play the podcast
Podcast 3 - Autism and Systemising
Click on the graphic to play the podcast
Podcast 4 - Autism and Working Memory
Click on the graphic to play the podcast
Podcast 5 - Autism and Masking
Click on the graphic to play the podcast
Podcast 6 - Autism and Suicide
Click on the graphic to play the podcast
SJOG's PBS Model
About SJOG's NAS Accreditation
Lisa Alcorn - Facebook Live Autism Q & A
SJOG Fact Sheets
- What is Autism?
- Autism and Behaviours of Concern
- Autism, Change and Transition
- Autism and Girls
- Autism and Inflexibility of Thought
- Autism and Self-Injury
- Autism and Sensory Processing
- Autism and Stimming
- Autism and The Environment
- Autism and Theory of Mind
- Autism and Working Memory
For further information or to request copies please email enquiries@sjog.org.uk