About us
The Old Vicarage provides 24-hour care and support to adults with autism and associated conditions. The home is registered with the Care Quality Commission. We specialise in practicing an Autism Practice Model that encompasses the principles and behaviour science of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS).
Our team is trained in a range of specialised courses:
- Positive behaviour support – longitudinal PBS Champions course (including functional behaviour assessment)
- Sensory processing
- Augmentative communication techniques, e.g. Picture Exchange Communication
- Autism and co-morbidity
- Autism favourable environments
- Psychological informed environments
Our team also receives ongoing in-house continuous professional development with the support of SJOG’s clinical practitioners.
The Old Vicarage is committed to supporting people from out of area placements to return home to their family communities. Families form an important part of what we do, so working in partnership with families (and professionals) ensures greater success of an enhanced quality of life for people.

So, how do we do this?
We Think Autism and develop a person-centred profile of each individual so that we can adapt environments to meet people's needs.
We Act Personal and provide care and support that enables people to achieve their own outcomes and to be as independent and empowered as possible.
Our aims
- We will safeguard people through the promotion of rights.
- We will focus on prevention and early intervention.
- We will promote evidence-based good practice and support research development.
- We will promote a positive quality of life.
- We will promote outcome-focused personalised care and support to people.
- We will develop a highly skilled team that enhances local capacity in meeting an area of need.
Referrals and Admissions
SJOG’s referral procedure is straightforward. We normally receive referrals from Adult Social Care Teams via Health Teams. The manager is often the first point of call where professionals can discuss The Old Vicarage’s aims and objectives, along with any vacancies we may have. We also encourage them to visit first.
Our referral and assessment procedure is highly personalised and involves a whole person approach. We encourage the person to be involved, along with their family and professionals. We do require a full assessment prior to admission, and we do not take emergency placements without this procedure being followed.
We encourage people to come and visit to spend some time at The Old Vicarage before they consider moving in. We provide accessible information so that people can go away and make an informed decision.

Service Overview
- For 4 people aged 18-65 years who have a diagnosis of autism and/or learning disabilities and need 24-hour care and support
- Specialised in autism and positive behaviour support
- Outcome focused quality of life practice framework
- As this is a new service, we are currently seeking National Autistic Society, Autism Accreditation
- SPELL (Structure, Positive (approaches and expectations), Empathy, Low Arousal, Links) framework so that we can understand and respond to people’s needs within an autism specific way
Available at The Old Vicarage:
- Support for 4 people who have a diagnosis of autism or associated conditions.
- Positive Behaviour Support Champions who are trained in person-centred functional behaviour assessment and PBS planning.
- High support levels so that people can maximise their Independence, positively
- An environment that is autism favourable, assessed to consider person-centred needs.
- An autism practice framework that has been academically tested.
- Large spacious garden where people can relax or use for emotional regulation.
- Large kitchen and dining facilities, with the flexibility of further break out spaces.
- Each bedroom is personalised to people’s preferences and needs, and with en-suite facilities.
- Augmentative communication aids such as visual planning boards.
- Integrated partnership working with health and social care professionals.
- A PBS and autism clinical team who can provide personalised autism and PBS training.
- A quality of life outcomes framework that measures progress and achievements.
Need more information?
If you would like further information about this service, you can get this in several ways:
By telephone:
By mobile:
By email:
By post:
SJOG Hospitaller Services
The Old Vicarage,
168 Durham Road
Stockton, TS19 0DZ