A learning and well-being environment for people over 16 with additional needs

Each person who accesses the service is supported and encouraged to develop skills, with sessions being outcome-focussed and regular reviews taking place to ensure continuous development and quality of service.
We co-produce pathways to success with the people who access our service ensuring that person-centred outcomes are achieved.
Sessions cover the following areas:
- Horticulture
- Life skills
- Cooking
- Music and movement
- Sport and well-being
Co-production is at the heart of our service and gives an organic growth to what we can deliver.
Training, Learning and Support
The programme has been specifically designed to promote confidence, independence, and aspirations for those most vulnerable in our community by providing training, learning and support across a range of community and social enterprise activities.
Our pathway of learning ensures the needs of each individual are catered for and allows them to develop their own skills, at their own pace, and achieve a recognised qualification.
We track individual development goals for attendees as well as having sessional goals and methods to assess these.
At Woodhall we believe that only through continuous evaluation and consultation with our stakeholders we can achieve excellence in our service. We prioritise implementing and reflecting on feedback to improve.
Our attendees feedback into the service and help to shape what we deliver, so we are always at the forefront of their needs. Our co-production and organic growth is what sets us apart.
Our amazing staff team is supplemented by volunteers from the local community bringing talent and life skills into the service.